ABR IR/DR Initial Certification: Recommended Discussion Points

American Board of Radiology Interventional Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology (IR/DR) Initial Certification (IC): Recommended Discussion Points

Click here for a pdf of the discussion points.

Note: IR/DR IC refers to the combination of the IR/DR Qualifying (Core) and IR/DR Certifying exams.

  1. How well do the IR/DR Qualifying (Core) and IR/DR Certifying exams assess radiology knowledge and clinical competence?
  2. To what degree are radiologists completing training and IR/DR IC in the current system well prepared for independent practice?
  3. Is the current IR/DR IC exam structure fair (unbiased)? If not, why?
  4. Given the decision to change the DR certifying exam to an oral format (beginning in 2028), should the IR/DR Certifying exam be changed?? If so, how should it be changed?
  5. Does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam work well to assess competence for independent practice?
  6. Is broad knowledge of diagnostic radiology necessary for competence in independent practice? Why or why not?
  7. Is broad knowledge of diagnostic radiology a necessary component of the IR/DR Certifying Exam? Why or why not?
  8. How well do the multiple-choice test questions in the IR/DR Certifying exam (computer-based component) assess the diagnostic radiology knowledge of trainees?
  9. How well does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam (oral component) assess the diagnostic radiology knowledge of trainees?
  10. How well does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam (oral component) assess the interventional radiology knowledge of trainees?
  11. Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR stop doing?
  12. Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR keep doing?
  13. Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR start doing?
  14. Please provide additional comments regarding the current IR/DR IC process.