American Board of Radiology Interventional Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology (IR/DR) Initial Certification (IC): Recommended Discussion Points
Click here for a pdf of the discussion points.
Note: IR/DR IC refers to the combination of the IR/DR Qualifying (Core) and IR/DR Certifying exams.
- How well do the IR/DR Qualifying (Core) and IR/DR Certifying exams assess radiology knowledge and clinical competence?
- To what degree are radiologists completing training and IR/DR IC in the current system well prepared for independent practice?
- Is the current IR/DR IC exam structure fair (unbiased)? If not, why?
- Given the decision to change the DR certifying exam to an oral format (beginning in 2028), should the IR/DR Certifying exam be changed?? If so, how should it be changed?
- Does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam work well to assess competence for independent practice?
- Is broad knowledge of diagnostic radiology necessary for competence in independent practice? Why or why not?
- Is broad knowledge of diagnostic radiology a necessary component of the IR/DR Certifying Exam? Why or why not?
- How well do the multiple-choice test questions in the IR/DR Certifying exam (computer-based component) assess the diagnostic radiology knowledge of trainees?
- How well does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam (oral component) assess the diagnostic radiology knowledge of trainees?
- How well does the current IR/DR Certifying Exam (oral component) assess the interventional radiology knowledge of trainees?
- Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR stop doing?
- Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR keep doing?
- Regarding the current IR/DR IC process, what should the ABR start doing?
- Please provide additional comments regarding the current IR/DR IC process.