Continuing Certification for Medical Physics

Continuing Certification

Last verified on August 28, 2024

Continuing Certification (MOC)-at-a-Glance

A brochure on Continuing Certification (MOC) for Medical Physics is available here.


Continuing Certification (MOC) is an integral part of the quality movement in healthcare. Patients, your physician peers, and your colleagues all value Continuing Certification (MOC) because it demonstrates your support for continuous quality improvement, professional development, and quality patient care. The ABR believes in the value of Continuing Certification (MOC). Therefore, all ABR volunteers, including governors and trustees, are required to participate in Continuing Certification (MOC).

Every diplomate electing to participate in the Continuing Certification (MOC) program is expected to meet all requirements as listed below. The four parts of Continuing Certification (MOC) are:

Part 1: Professionalism and Professional Standing
Part 2: Lifelong Learning
Part 3: Assessment of Knowledge, Judgment, and Skills
Part 4: Improvement in Medical Practice

Certification status and Continuing Certification (MOC) participation are reported publicly on the ABMS website as well as on the Verify Board Certification Status section of the ABR website.


Who Participates in Continuing Certification (MOC)?

Diplomates with CONTINUOUS certificates issued in 2012 and thereafter are automatically enrolled in the Continuing Certification (MOC) program when they attain initial certification and may start participating immediately.

Diplomates who hold LIFETIME certificates may voluntarily enroll in the program to begin the Continuing Certification (MOC) process. Enrollment can be completed by logging in to myABR.

American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP) Information
Diplomates who received a Letter of Certification Equivalence (LoCE) from the ABR prior to December 31, 2002, are not required to participate in the ABR Continuing Certification (MOC) program. In addition, they may continue to request additional LoCEs as long as they continue to maintain certification through the ABMP.

Continuing Certification Re-entry

Most former diplomates (previously certified, but subsequently lapsed or otherwise no longer valid) may regain certification through the Continuing Certification re-entry process. To regain certification, diplomates need to initiate enrollment in myABR, pass a Continuing Certification Exam, and complete all enrollment tasks required to rejoin maintenance. When maintenance has started, the certificate will be active and publicly reported as “Certified.”
Please contact an ABR certification manager at or 520-790-2900 for assistance with Continuing Certification re-entry.