Celebrating Dr. Dunnick and Other News Worth Sharing
By Mary S. Newell, MD, ABR Governor
I love the holidays we celebrate as a nation over the summer. With them come long weekends made for rest and get-togethers with delicious food, sports, and music. However, they also serve to remind us of values we honor: service to society, the worthiness of great effort, and the duty of care for institutions and fellow humans.
In this issue of The Beam, former ABR Executive Director Gary J. Becker, MD, writes a farewell tribute to Reed Dunnick, MD, who will be retiring from the ABR at the end of June after a career of extensive and incalculably valuable service, including most recently as ABR associate executive director (AED) for diagnostic radiology (DR). We will greatly miss Dr. Dunnick, his tireless work and contributions, and his wonderful sense of humor.
In this issue …
ABR President Robert M. Barr, MD, describes how crucial feedback from multiple stakeholders has informed all steps on the path toward development of the new DR Oral Certifying Exam, and answers three recurring question that have arisen.
ABR Executive Director Brent Wagner, MD, MBA, reminds us that updated ABMS Continuing Certification standards will take effect in 2024, but notes that ABR diplomates will most likely not sense much change. He also presents interesting survey results about OLA and diplomate preferences.
President Robert M. Barr, MD, and President-elect Cheri L. Canon, MD, outline comings and goings on the Board of Governors, with exciting news of three new members (Marina Feldman, MD, MBA; Desiree Morgan, MD; and Andrea Ng, MD, MPH) and the departure of two governors: Kaled Alektiar, MD, is at the end of his term, and I will be transitioning to DR AED.
The instrumental contributions made by Elizabeth Oates, MD, BOT member and retiring Volunteerism Committee chair, are highlighted by ABR Trustee Pamela Propeck, MD, who will assume leadership of that committee in October when Dr. Oates rotates off.
IR AED James B. Spies, MD, MPH, describes how much bidirectional insight was gained by hosting the IR Initial Certifying Advisory Committee members at ABR headquarters in Tucson recently.
The benefits of an innovative hybrid approach to administering remote oral exams is described by MP AED Geoffrey S. Ibbott, PhD, and RO AED Michael Yunes, MD, who note that the priorities and needs of examinees and examiners are being addressed with this method.
Current medical student (and future colleague) Jordan Mackner inspires us as he chronicles his arduous journey toward a career in radiology.
Two new members of the Board of Trustees are introduced: Steven J. Frank, MD, and Ashok Gupta, MD, will join the BOT at the end of the October board meeting.