Continuing Certification for Interventional Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology

FAQs for Lifetime Certificate Holders

Last verified on December 18, 2023

I have a lifetime certificate. Do I have to participate in the Continuing Certification (MOC) process?

No. Your lifetime certificate remains valid without participation in the Continuing Certification (MOC). However, you are strongly encouraged to participate to demonstrate your commitment to lifelong learning and to document achievements in your continuing professional development. In addition, if you relocate to another state, your state, payers, or healthcare organization may require you to have been reexamined at some point within the past 10 years. The ABR will always support the lifetime certificate, but the states, payers, and those who grant clinical privileges are independent and may not do so.

As a lifetime certificate holder, how do I enroll in Continuing Certification (MOC) and begin the process?

Diplomates with lifetime certificates may voluntarily enroll in the program to begin the Continuing Certification (MOC) process. Enrollment can be completed by logging into myABR. You can initiate enrollment immediately, but you will need to complete all required enrollment tasks (which may include passing an exam) before maintenance starts. If you have never logged in to myABR, please have your ABR ID number available to set up your account.

If I enter the Continuing Certification (MOC) program and I don't meet all requirements, do I lose my lifetime certificate?

Your lifetime certificate is not at risk by your entering Continuing Certification (MOC). You will be reported as participating in the Continuing Certification (MOC) program, and your certificates in the program will be reported as "certified" and "maintained." If you do not meet the program requirements, maintenance will end and your "maintained" status will be removed, but you remain certified and reported as such. Participating status will be removed if no certificates are in the Continuing Certification (MOC) program. Your original lifetime certificate remains fully valid, even if you drop out of Continuing Certification (MOC) participation or do not fulfill all of the requirements.

I am a lifetime certificate holder who is more than 10 years past my original certification date. I need to take and pass an exam because it is required by the state to which I want to move. What can I do?

You may register for the current Continuing Certification Exam and you will be permitted to take the exam at the next available exam date. This process will satisfy the licensure requirements for your new state.

I am a lifetime certificate holder. If I enter the Continuing Certification (MOC) program, how long do I have before I need to start answering Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) questions?

You will be able to access Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) immediately and can start answering practice questions if you wish, but your official OLA opportunities will not begin until January of the following year.