06 '23
Feedback Vital to Development of New DR Oral Certifying Exam By Robert M. Barr, MD, ABR President 2023;16(3):2 On April 13, the ABR announced that the Diagnostic Radiology Certifying Exam, currently administered in a written multiple-choice format 15 months after graduation from residency, will be replaced with a remote online oral exam. The new format…
06 '23
After Deferring His Dream, Medical Student Starts Path to Radiology Career By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager 2023;16(3):8 There are several reasons why Jordan Mackner might not have enrolled in medical school last year: He was the first member of his family to earn an undergraduate degree. He was discouraged from pursuing his dream by…
06 '23
Celebrating Dr. Dunnick and Other News Worth Sharing By Mary S. Newell, MD, ABR Governor 2023;16(3):1 I love the holidays we celebrate as a nation over the summer. With them come long weekends made for rest and get-togethers with delicious food, sports, and music. However, they also serve to remind us of values we honor:…