Diplomates Prefer OLA for Part 3 Continuing Certification Requirement
In this video, ABR Executive Director Brent Wagner, MD, MBA, talks about the Part 3 requirement (“Assessment of Knowledge, Judgment, and Skills”) for Continuing Certification. Compared with a point-in-time exam, Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) has been overwhelmingly preferred by ABR diplomates because it offers immediate feedback on specific question topics, a dashboard to show progress and performance relative to the standard, and an opportunity to learn (the formative component) while being assessed. The “decline” option for a small number of specific questions that are not related to a diplomate’s professional practice allows for customization and enhanced relevance of the exercise.
For a small number of diplomates, the alternative to OLA is the Continuing Certification Exam (CCE). The CCE is offered to diplomates who choose not to participate in OLA or who have not met the passing standard via OLA. CCE content differs from OLA and requires some review or targeted study to refresh one’s knowledge of topics relevant to the practice of the discipline.
For more information, please see the article we published in April.
Deadline to Start Answering OLA Questions Fast Approaching
By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager
An important date is coming for diplomates participating in Continuing Certification (formerly MOC) who haven’t started answering OLA questions yet this year. August 4 is the last day when those diplomates can start answering questions and still reach their OLA progress requirement for the year.
Here are a few things to consider as you assess your OLA participation.
Staying on Pace Is Important
Since two questions are offered to most participants every week, 104 are available to be answered each year. To meet the annual progress requirement, most diplomates need to answer only 52 questions per year. OLA allows substantial flexibility regarding when diplomates answer questions, as questions do not expire until four weeks after they are offered.
Avoid Forfeited Questions
Questions that are required but unanswered for a given year are considered “forfeited” and count as incorrect responses. For example, if you are required to answer 52 questions and only answer 50, the two unanswered will be “forfeited” and scored as incorrect.
You Have Choices After Meeting Your Annual Progress Requirement
When you meet your annual progress requirement, you have options regarding participation for the rest of the year.
- Take a break: You may wait until next year to resume answering questions.
- Keep going: You may choose to answer more than 52 questions this year. There is no penalty for continuing to participate.
Questions? Contact Us
If you have fallen behind or have questions about your OLA status, please contact a certification manager at information@theabr.org or 520-790-2900.