Focus on DR and IR/DR

Focus on DR and IR/DR

Expanded Radioisotope Safety Content Study Guide Coming Soon

By Umesh D. Oza, MD, ABR Trustee, and Ephraim E. Parent, MD, PhD


Radioisotope Safety Content (RISC) is an integral part of the domain of diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Questions about RISC are included on the Qualifying (Core) Exam (25 questions) and in the Essentials Module on the Certifying Exam (10 questions). RISC questions count toward the overall exam score; they are not scored separately.

These questions assess the candidate’s understanding and knowledge related to the safe use of radioactive materials in the clinical practice of diagnostic or interventional radiology. The domain encompasses but is not limited to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements found in part 35 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) deemed medical use of byproduct material. The RISC elements on the Certifying Exam are devoted to clinically oriented practice scenarios, which emphasize evaluation of practical knowledge of radioisotope safety and handling, as well as regulatory compliance.

A short practice document on the ABR website lists the domain critical concepts and scope and provides an overview of the blueprint with estimated percentages of specific content. Much of the information necessary to prepare for the exams, however, is spread across multiple CFR reports and NRC documents. Reviewing this content can be a daunting task for candidates preparing for the ABR qualifying and certifying exams. Given the scope of expected knowledge and varied classroom/laboratory training and experience in radiology departments, the need for an in-depth study guide for candidates that would supplement their NRC/Authorized User training and experience during residency was identified.

In September 2023, the ABR Board of Trustees gave the green light to begin this process. The RISC study guide development group was formed three months later. Chaired by Ephraim Parent, MD, PhD, it also includes former ABR Trustee M. Elizabeth Oates, MD; ABR Trustee Umesh Oza, MD; Samuel Brady, PhD; Jesus Diaz, MD; Arti Gupta, MD; Justin Peacock, MD; and ABR staff coordinator Terri New.

As a result of this effort, an expanded RISC study guide will be posted on the ABR website in early 2025, and all RISC questions on diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology exams will be based on information that is covered in this document. The guide will be maintained on an ongoing basis to ensure the information continues to reflect current practice models and regulatory requirements.

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