Make Time for Yourself During Late-Year Rush
By Mary S. Newell, MD, ABR Governor
It is ironic that these late fall and early winter days, which already feel so short, are packed so full for those in our field, with the predictable late-year influx of patients and the start of national meeting season. Often, we go and come from work in the dark. But the period brings joyful holidays and festivities as recompense. I hope you can take time to celebrate the many insights and activities of our colleagues outlined in this issue of The Beam.
In this issue …
ABR President Robert Barr, MD, describes recently completed and approved ABR bylaws revisions, noting that the changes largely represent a “refresh rather than substantive structural or procedural changes.”
ABR Executive Director Brent Wagner, MD, outlines the path taken by the ABR to move toward remote exam delivery, including creation and continuing optimization of an in-house platform.
ABR President Robert M. Barr, MD, and Secretary-Treasurer John A. Kaufman, MD, summarize the fiduciary goals of the BOG as related to the organization’s financial resources and outline current status.
ABR Trustee Paul J. Rochon, MD, describes the aims of the recently established ABR DEI Committee, outlines some current activities and initiatives, and solicits input on additional area of focus.
The technologic glitch experienced by candidates taking the Diagnostic Radiology Certifying Exam on September 30 and subsequent mitigation efforts are reported, and several candidates describe their thoughts on the exam experience.
Geoffrey S. Ibbott, PhD, ABR Associate Executive Director for Medical Physics, announces an important milestone: Dr. Matthew Podgorsak’s selection as the first medical physicist to serve as ABR BOT chair.
Paul E. Wallner, DO, ABR Associate Executive Director for Radiation Oncology, and Anthony M. Gerdeman, PhD, ABR Director of Exam Services, describe how content relevance for the various RO exams is intentionally assured, using input from many sources.
Christine Nwoke, MS, DO, a graduate of Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate, Tennessee, and current diagnostic radiology residency applicant, provides important commentary on the benefits that could be realized by increasing female representation in radiology residencies, and the specialty in general.
ABR volunteer Jennifer Bellon, MD, balances her work as director of breast radiation oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute with adventure travels around the world to photograph wildlife.
Continuing Certification Update
We are reminded that starting in 2023, the ABR will no longer require SA-CME for those diplomates successfully completing their OLA annual progress.
Michael Yunes, MD, has been named ABR associate executive director for radiation oncology. Four advisory committees provide stakeholder feedback for each discipline the ABR certifies. Jeff Michalski, MD, leads a slate of ABR volunteers who were installed in ASTRO leadership roles and as ASTRO Fellows at the 2022 annual meeting in October. ABR volunteer and former Board of Governors member Matthew Mauro, MD, was named president of the RSNA Board of Directors at the annual meeting last month.
Robert Barr, MD, answers questions about his upcoming tenure as the new ABR president.