03 '21
The ABR is seeking input from stakeholders regarding minimum requirements for time served during residency while avoiding an extension of training to be considered board eligible. We are actively seeking comment now so that we may develop a reasonable plan before July 1 to comply with an ABMS requirement announced last year to clearly state these requirements in our policies. Extreme scenarios…
03 '21
This is a long-awaited time for aspiring medical residents. Match Week 2021 kicked off Monday when future residents learned whether they had a match. Those who did will find out Friday where they will be spending their residencies. The process begins in the fall during the final year of medical school, when residents apply to…
03 '21
By Hala Mazin, MD I grew up thinking the most memorable moment in my life might be the day I got married or when I saw my child for the first time. I never imagined it would come in an email from the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). It was an email I had…