Focus on RO

Pandemic Causes Tough Exam Administration Decisions by Paul E. Wallner, DO, FASTRO, Associate Executive Director for Radiation Oncology, and David Laszakovits, MBA, Director of External Relations 2020;13(4)4 Initial certification (IC) in radiation oncology (RO) requires that residents or candidates pass four exams: three computer-based qualifying and one final oral certifying. Computer-based exams in medical physics…
May 27, 2020 | Volume 13, Issue 3 by J. Anthony Seibert, PhD, ABR Governor 2020;13(3):1 In this edition of The BEAM, President Brent Wagner discusses the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the adjustments the ABR continues to make regarding volunteer activities and exam scheduling for all disciplines. Please visit the ABR website for…
ABR, Stakeholders Remaining Flexible During Uncertain Times by Brent J. Wagner, MD, ABR President 2020;13(3):2 The current challenges facing the world have impacted our families, our friends, and ourselves in ways we would have struggled to imagine as recently as late last year. Medical professionals have continued to exercise their invaluable talents in the care…
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