10 '20
New Secretary-Treasurer Knows Value of Volunteering by John Kaufman, MD, MS, ABR Secretary-Treasurer 2020;13(5):3 When I was asked to write a short article about serving as the new secretary-treasurer for the ABR Board of Governors, my initial response was, “What is there to say? This is a volunteer role for the ABR and I’m…
10 '20
OLA Educational Opportunities Don’t Have to End After 52 Questions by Cecilia M. Jude, MD 2020;13(5):10 I graduated and become board certified in diagnostic radiology in 2002, the first year the ABR began issuing time-limited certificates. I had missed the timeline for having a lifetime certificate and had to take the maintenance of certification (MOC)…
10 '20
Initial Certification Advisory Committee Engages Stakeholders in Medical Physics by Matthew B. Podgorsak, PhD, ABR Trustee 2020;13(5):8 Several years ago, the ABR established an Initial Certification Advisory Committee (IC-AC) in medical physics to enhance communication with its stakeholders: exam candidates and leaders of graduate programs, residency programs, and supporting societies. This committee has enabled discussion…