12 '21
Board Meetings Focus on Fairness, Transparency, and Innovation by Brent Wagner, MD, MBA, ABR Executive Director 2021;14(6):3 The ABR trustees and governors met remotely over several days in late September and early October. Although the agenda spanned a broad range of issues, the discussions were focused on themes that stressed the organization’s mission: to certify…
12 '21
As Busy Year Ends, We Look Forward to Continued Exam and OLA Improvements By J. Anthony Seibert, PhD, ABR Governor 2021;14(6):1 The end of the year enables us to look back at the accomplishments of 2021 and forward to 2022 with renewed optimism of a “normal” ABR exam schedule and continued improvements in the exam…
12 '21
New Qualifying (Core) Exam Study Resources Now Available on the ABR Website By Donald J. Flemming, MD, Chair, ABR Board of Trustees; and Desiree E. Morgan, MD, ABR Trustee 2021;14(6):7 In response to feedback from the ABR Diagnostic Radiology (DR) and Interventional Radiology (IR) Initial Certification Advisory Committees, the American Alliance of Academic Chief Residents…