02 '22
Improving Communication Through Town Halls and Surveys by Vincent P. Mathews, MD, ABR President 2022;15(1):2 “The great enemy of communication … is the illusion of it. We have talked enough; but we have not listened. And by not listening, we have failed to concede … the great gaps between ourselves and those with whom we…
02 '22
ASTRO, RSNA Annual Meeting Attendees Happy to Get Together Again By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager 2022;15(1):12 For the first time in two years, ASTRO and RSNA held in-person annual meetings late last year. Both organizations put COVID-19 restrictions in place and had approximately half their usual attendance. A few attendees offered their thoughts on…
02 '22
ABR Governor Ready to Contribute on ABMS Continuing Certification Committee 2022;15(1):4 Mary S. (Mimi) Newell, MD, is a longtime ABR volunteer who last year moved from our Board of Trustees (BOT) to Board of Governors (BOG). Dr. Newell has a diverse background, including work in academic and private practice. She is currently a professor in…