Continuing Certification Update

Continuing Certification Update

Complete These Tasks Before Your Annual Review


As we approach the March 2 Continuing Certification (MOC) annual review, here are a few reminders for ABR diplomates.

Complete your Continuing Certification attestations by March 1

To update the ABR on your Continuing Certification progress, log in to myABR and click on each red incomplete requirement tab. On the bottom right, you will see the green “I Attest” button.

If all your tabs are green and your reporting status is showing that you are “Certified – Meeting MOC Requirements,” you have attested for this year, and you do not need to attest again until January 1 to March 1 of next year. If all your tabs are green and your reporting status is showing “Certified – Not Meeting MOC Requirements,” please contact a certification manager at so we can verify your status.

The ABR no longer requires you to enter or upload detailed information regarding your Continuing Certification requirements. After you attest in myABR, simply retain your documentation in case you are selected for an audit.

Answer Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) questions

If you took a break from OLA after reaching your required number of questions for 2021, make sure to start answering questions again, so you can complete this year’s required number of questions.

If you have answered at least 52 scorable questions since you started participating in OLA, you will be able to see a current cumulative score on your OLA dashboard. Your current cumulative score is updated every Sunday and does not impact your Part 3 status.

If you answered 200 scorable questions by December 31, 2021, you will have received an annual performance evaluation on January 1. This may impact Part 3 status. After your first evaluation, the annual performance evaluation will occur on January 1 each year for your most recently answered 200 scorable questions.

If you haven’t yet answered 200 scorable questions, the annual performance evaluation section will provide an estimated date at which the next evaluation will be performed based on your question response frequency.

Raise your performance before the Continuing Certification annual review

OLA annual performance evaluations occur on January 1 to give you time to answer additional questions, if needed, to raise your performance before the Continuing Certification annual review on March 2.

There are two ways to remediate your OLA performance if you’re below the passing standard:

  1. If you answer additional OLA questions and your performance meets or exceeds the passing standard at any time during the 12 months between annual reviews, your Part 3 status will immediately change from “Fail” to “Pass.”
  2. If you prefer, you can take and pass a traditional exam. Doing so will ensure your Continuing Certification Part 3 status will remain “Meeting” for five years. Also, after passing an exam, OLA will be re-set and any previous scoring deficit will be removed.

We recommend contacting a certification manager at or (520) 790-2900 to discuss your OLA performance, when/how your performance will impact your certificate, steps that can be taken to remediate your performance, or if you would like to stop participating in OLA.

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