From the Board of Trustees

Volunteer Task Force Addresses Image Quality Challenges By Stephen F. Simoneaux, MD, ABR Trustee 2022;15(3):5 When a candidate sits down to take an ABR exam, high image quality is certainly an expectation. Over the years, as the tests have transitioned from glossy printed booklets, to films on view boxes, to computers, maintaining excellence in imaging…
New Residents Ready to Take Next Steps in Their Careers 2022;15(3):10 By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager This past March on Match Day, medical school graduates across the country discovered where they will spend their residencies. The day is the culmination of years spent dreaming about becoming a physician and working hard to achieve the…
Authorized User-Eligibility: Changes Afoot in the Designation By Paul E. Wallner, DO, ABR Associate Executive Director for Radiation Oncology; and David Laszakovits, MBA, Director of Communications 2022;15(3):9 In 2004, following an agreement reached with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the ABR began to add the designation “Authorized User-Eligible” (AU-E) to Initial Certification certificates of…
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