04 '23
ABR Programs Meet New ABMS Continuing Certification Standards By Robert M. Barr, MD, ABR President 2023;16(2):2 In 2021, the American Board of Medical Specialties announced revisions to the Continuing Certification Standards that were an outgrowth of a 2018-2019 stakeholder-driven initiative (Vision for the Future Commission) to enhance the value of board certification. The new standards…
02 '23
Reminders for ABR Diplomates 2023;16(1):11 Complete your Continuing Certification attestations by March 1 To update your Continuing Certification progress, log in to myABR and click on each red incomplete requirement tab. On the bottom right, you will see the green “I Attest” button. If all your tabs are green and your reporting status is “Certified…
02 '23
Visiting Scholar Seeking Feedback on Continuing Certification By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager 2023;16(1):9 Research performed by Sara Hunter, MD, the ABR’s first American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Visiting Scholar, is offering physicians the opportunity to share their thoughts on Continuing Certification. Diagnostic and interventional radiologists who are participating in Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA)…