04 '21
OLA Features Improve Participants’ Experience 2021;14(2):9 Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) has many features that provide flexibility in how diplomates participate. The question decline option, four-week question availability, and My OLA History allow for a more customized and meaningful experience. Here are details about how these features work. Declining a Question Most diplomates have the option…
04 '21
Pilot Exams Demonstrate Strength of Remote Oral Exam Platform by Anne M. Covey, MD, Brian J. Davis, MD, PhD, and Matthew B. Podgorsak, PhD, ABR Trustees 2021;14(2):5 ABR staff, with input from many volunteers, have been working since the summer of 2020 to develop remote oral exam software. To test the functionality of the platform,…
04 '21
ABR Board Makes Decisions About Survey, Fees, and DEI by Brent Wagner, MD, MBA, ABR Executive Director 2021;14(2):4 The Board of Governors has held three remote meetings this year, including a three-day virtual retreat in early March. In fulfilling its fiduciary obligations, the Board guides the ABR through its focus on and execution of various…