10 '23
Story Lineup Shows Passion Shared by ABR Volunteers, Stakeholders By Mary S. Newell, MD, ABR Associate Executive Director for Diagnostic Radiology 2023;16(5):1 Welcome to the October/November edition of The Beam. Although news of the world can seem overwhelming, and even bleak, I am consistently buoyed by the passion, motivation, industriousness, and care I see exemplified…
10 '23
ABR Designer’s Work Keeps Him in the Game 2023;16(5):9 By Rodney Campbell, ABR Communications Manager If you’re an avid board game fan, you might have played one designed by an ABR employee. UX/Graphic Designer David Short, who joined the ABR in April 2019, is a prolific game designer on the side. David has developed 10…
10 '23
Medical Physics Continuing Certification Advisory Committee Gets Started By Kalpana M. Kanal, PhD; Robert A. Pooley, PhD; and Matthew B. Podgorsak, PhD, ABR Trustees; and Geoffrey S. Ibbott, PhD, ABR Associate Executive Director for Medical Physics 2023;16(5):6 As part of the ABR’s ongoing efforts to improve the relevance and effectiveness of its processes, a Medical…