Exam Scoring Progress
Last verified on September 17, 2024
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Current Status of Certifying Exam Results
Results for the Diagnostic Radiology Certifying Exam are in the following phase of the scoring process. Exam results are posted in each candidate’s myABR account approximately one month after the exam. Candidates will receive an email when exam results have been posted.
This graphic will change as the process progresses. Check back here for real-time updates.
Overview of Computer-based Exam Scoring Process
All ABR computer-based exam results go through the following six phases before results are posted. For more information about the exam scoring process, please see this video from ABR Executive Director Brent Wagner.
Phase 1: Collect
- Upload candidate responses to scoring system.
- Confirm that all candidate responses are in the scoring system.
Phase 2: Initial Scoring
- Execute initial computerized scoring routine.
- Psychometric staff manually analyze scoring routine output to ensure and confirm accuracy.
Phase 3: Quality Assurance
- Psychometric staff identify poor performing questions using industry-standard best practices.
- Poor performing questions are then sent to ABR volunteer subject matter experts for review.
- Based on these analyses, some questions may be eliminated from scoring to ensure fairness.
Phase 4: Secondary Scoring
- After eliminating poor performing questions, re-execute computerized scoring routine to recalculate scores.
- Psychometric staff manually analyze new scoring routine output to ensure and confirm accuracy of final exam results.
Phase 5: Validation
- Validate that exam results and feedback are correctly displayed in myABR for each candidate.
Phase 6: Release Results
- Post results to myABR and notify candidates.