Scoring and Results
Last verified on December 16, 2023
The ABR uses criterion-referenced scoring on all its computer-based exams, meaning that a passing standard is established in advance of the exam. The exam is not graded on a curve, and there is no set percentage of failures. To learn more about this method and how it differs from norm-referenced scoring, please visit our
Exam Scoring Model page.
The Certifying Exam is scored as pass or fail, and feedback will be provided to examinees. The one required module and the three elective modules all must be passed as a group. If the result is “fail,” the entire exam must be retaken.
After the exam has been scored, the Board will post candidates’ results in
myABR. Program directors and chairs will receive the same information for all their candidates and former candidates to help in evaluating and improving their training programs. Results for the Certifying Exam are posted approximately one month after the exam.
After the Certifying Exam has been passed, the RISE exam will be scored based on the RISE content taken in both the Qualifying (Core) and Certifying exams. This result will not have any impact on the pass result for the Certifying Exam itself.
To track an exam’s scoring progress, please
click here.